meny mobile uses cookies

A cookie is a small text file stored on your computer or computer-like device, for example mobile phone, when you visit a website.

On, cookies are used to measure visitor statistics using Google Analytics, and to enable that you as a visitor can use the site based on your wishes and interests. This way, cookies can provide a basis for how the site can generally be developed to provide you with the best possible user experience over time.

Third party providers, including our partner network, show ads on websites. Third party providers, including our partner network, use cookies to display ads based on your visit to this and other sites.

If you as a visitor do not accept that uses cookies, you can turn them off through your browser’s security settings. You can also set the browser to warn you every time tries to store a cookie on your computer. If you want to turn off cookies completely, regardless of website, that is also possible to do in browser settings. Then no cookies will be stored on your computer, but you will also not be able to use all features on certain websites.

If you disable cookies in a browser, this will only apply to that particular browser, which means that you need to follow the same process in other browsers you use on the same and/or different computers or devices.

More about Cookies can be found on the Post- och telestyrelsens website.